It's exciting to see your baby progress from one developmental milestone to the next. It's incredible how quickly it grows and changes. Enjoy these moments with your baby.

4 months
Your baby is growing rapidly. Physical, emotional and mental changes will come one after another. Now he is interacting with the world more and learning a lot from it and from you, his favorite playmate.

At 4 months old, your baby is probably:
• He can lift his head by holding his upper arms and even his hands. Can keep head still when held in a sitting position; This is a good position for him to chat with you.
• He/she may notice you across the room and follow you with his/her eyes as you move.
• Knows how to get your attention by crying, dropping things, or even pretending to "cough."
• He bumps into objects and can sometimes reach out and grasp objects. If he grasps something, he shakes it or puts it in his mouth. Even if he lets go, it's an accident that surprises him.
• He finds his own hands very interesting. He will caress your hands, touch them, and sometimes just watch.
• He drools a lot, picks up his toys, and you get very wet, but he probably doesn't have teeth yet.
• When you call from another room, it recognizes your voice and calms down for a short while. He is learning to hope and expect things.
• If you start a sleep routine and give him a small comforting toy or blanket, he may fall asleep on his own.

6 months
By six months, the baby is sitting or preparing to sit and his back is straightening. This is a new perspective for her and she is enjoying it very much!

After 6 months it will probably continue:
• Laughs loudly, smiles and squeals.
• Help will “tease” by dropping items and making noise to get your attention. At the same time, it does not try to place and disconnect.
• Can be reached by holding on to furniture or in the crib.
• Items can be passed through one end.
• He puts almost everything in his mouth.
• He hums non-stop.
• The first tooth or several teeth emerge.
• Turns towards the sound.
• He can soothe himself with his thumb, pacifier or rolling motion.
• It rotates in both directions.
• He begins to act timid around strangers in order to begin to discover who is familiar and who is stranger in his own world.
• Just as he checks everything, he decides to force you to change the purchase again – by starting to move! You'll need to compromise it this way. Once your baby has finished his or her first solid foods, you will need to be aware of choking hazards.

9 months
Your baby is making movements, researching and experimenting. Since he can now remember things that are not in front of him, he loves hiding his belongings and playing peek-a-boo. You will be constantly on duty to show him that you love him and, equally important, to protect him. This is the age where so many parents have distortions about how strongly their baby is really developing and how involved he or she is in everything rather than just being a piecemeal.

At 9 months old, your baby is probably:
• Can sit quite upright without support and can bend and turn after a stable sitting position.
• Can play with toys while sitting.
• They can progress in some way by crawling, crawling and moving on their butts. Some babies never crawl but still somehow manage to move.
• They stand up by holding on and sometimes they can get stuck in this position. (They will soon learn to sit again.)
• Can make and use a pincer motion (index finger and thumb work together to pick up small objects). (Of course he will find something small falling on the carpet or rolling under the table.)
• Uses index finger to touch things like switches, buttons, and electrical outlets.
• He always wants to keep you in his sights. It will move forward and backward to control while playing. He'll probably get very angry when you're not in his line of sight. As long as your baby doesn't let out blood-curdling screams, he may greet strangers and even people he knows with timid looks. Remember that he is not being rude. He is only very conscious of the difference between his family and close caregivers and those he knows less well.
• He hums, imitating speech. You may even hear him say "mom" and "dad" occasionally. Responding to these words with joy will make him/her feel special.
• He knows his own name, turns when you call him, recognizes some words and is very interested in the people talking around him.
• Their first teeth, usually the upper and lower front teeth, have emerged.
• He wakes up at night and turns into a difficult person again. Because these days he misses the people and the fun he had during the day.
• It is no longer enough to just be held and held. Now he wants to go downstairs and take care of everything around him.
• He is ready to take control of his nutrition. Now that he has mastered the pincer movement, finger foods and a glass are very interesting at this stage.
• Makes noise and mischief in brand new ways by throwing, hitting, shaking and tearing toys to pieces. Having mom and dad around to bring back these toys adds even more fun!

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